SkillBridge Summer Camp
Lay foundation for your Professional journey with 2-months in-person/Hybrid SkillBridge Summer Camp Internship Program. Learn crucial Skills/Tools and work on real-world projects in our office Mohali.
Program Outline:
First 30 Days: Learn
- In-person Classes at Mohali
Next 30 Days: Work Experience
- In-person/Online work on Real-World projects
Program Syllabus
First Choose from our specialized tracks :
This Summer Camp Training program in cybersecurity provides a comprehensive 60-day (training + internship) experience in cybersecurity, divided into three specialized tracks covering cybersecurity fundamentals, penetration testing, digital forensics, and SOC operations.
Module I: Pentesting
- Fundamentals
- Virtualization types: Type 1 (bare-metal) and Type 2 (hosted)
- Managing Virtual Machines in VirtualBox
- Understand the basics of Docker and Docker Compose
- Create Docker images and run containers
- Run Docker-Compose setup
- Components of Operating Systems
- Hands-on with Linux commands
- Learn Linux filesystem and permissions
- Types of Computer Networks
- Computer Networking Basics (IP, Subnet, Netmask)
- Visualize layers of TCP/IP with Wireshark
- Understand important network protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, SFTP) with Wireshark
- Exploit vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in FTP and SSH servers
- CTF: Exploit vulnerable/misconfigured services and analyze packet captures to find flags
- Cybersecurity Fundamentals
- CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)
- AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting)
- Generate hashes with Linux commands and online tools
- Learn symmetric and asymmetric encryption and digital signatures
- Break hashes with Hashcat
- Crack passwords with John the Ripper
- Case Study: WannaCry Ransomware
- CTF: Break hashes and crack passwords of protected files
- Host Pentesting
- Stages of Penetration Testing
- Scan networks to discover hosts
- Service enumeration with Nmap
- Exploit the vsftpd backdoor vulnerability manually
- Use Metasploit for exploitation and gain meterpreter
- Generate post-exploitation payloads using msfvenom for Linux and Windows
- Perform privilege escalation in Linux systems
- CTF: Exploit vulnerable hosts
- Web Application Pentesting
- Understand OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
- Deploy vulnerable web apps: DVWA, OWASP Juice Shop, and OWASP WebGoat
- Exploit weak session ID vulnerability on OWASP Juice Shop using Burp Proxy and Burp Repeater
- Perform SQL Injection attacks on DVWA (locally hosted) using SQLMap
- Exploit Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability manually and using XSS Strike
- Perform automated and manual scans on DVWA using ZAP
- Conduct network scans using Nessus
- Perform dictionary attacks on vulnerable web apps using Burp Intruder
- CTF: Identify and Exploit Web Application Vulnerabilities
- Network Security
- Wireless adapter operation modes: Monitor and Managed
- Capture Wi-Fi traffic with Wireshark and wireless adapter
- Change adapter's mode using airmon-ng
- View devices in a WiFi network using Wireshark
- Crack a WPA WiFi access point's password using aircrack-ng
- Decrypt encrypted WiFi traffic captured on Wireshark
- Tools and Python scripting
- Shodan to find live vulnerable servers
- Refine search results using Google Dorks
- Whois lookup and for recon
- Phishing campaigns using Gophish
- Hack into web browsers using The BeEF
- WordPress vulnerabilities scan
- Websites scan for vulnerabilities using Nikto and Nuclei
- Python scripts for traffic sniffing with the Scapy
- Dictionary attacks using Python scripts with pexpect and paramiko
Recommended Certifications:
Module II: Digital Forensics
- Introduction and Disk Forensics
- Digital Forensics Process
- Chain of Custody
- Evidence Acquisition: Live and Dead
- Create digital image of a disk
- Processing disk image for artifacts
- Recovering deleted files from Disk
- Collecting Forensics artifacts: Browser activity, Recently opened files, Installed programs, Executed programs, User details
- CTF: Process a real-world image to investigate the case
- Windows Forensics
- Windows Event Logs
- Event Log extraction to reconstruct Timeline
- Log Analysis with Event Log Viewer
- Advanced analysis: Log Parser and Log Parser Lizard
- Threat Hunting in Logs with Hayabusa
- Sigma rules for detection
- CTF: Analyze provided Event Logs to investigate the case
- Memory Forensics
- Dumping RAM for Linux and Windows machines
- RAM Dump Analysis with Volatility
- Working with Volatility Workbench
- Recovering Forensics Artifacts from Memory: Process memory, Process Binary, Open File Descriptors, Network Connections, Process Hierarchy
- Case Study: Cridex Malware Investigation
- Redline for Live Acquisition and quick analysis
- CTF: Analyze provided RAM Dump to investigate the case
- Network Forensics
- Networking Traffic capture and Analysis using Wireshark
- HTTP Traffic analysis and object extraction
- TCP/UDP Stream reconstruction to uncover complete exchange
- Case Studies: Redline Infostealer Malware Traffic Analysis, Phishing Attack Traffic Analysis
- Network Forensics to recover artifacts with Network Miner
- Macroanalysis to locate traffic trends and outliers: CapAnalysis, Xplico
- CTF: Analyze provided PCAP to investigate the case
- Malware Containment and Analysis
- Threat hunting with Master Parser and DeepBlue CLI
- Log Enrichment with Sysmon
- Sandboxes and their usage: Containment Sandboxes (Sandboxie, Firejail), Malware Analysis Sandboxes (, Cuckoo, Joe Sandbox)
- CTF: Analyze provided Malware Sample to investigate the case
Module III: Security Operation Center Operations
- Introduction to SOC
- Cyber Security Framework (Identify, Protect, Detect, Recover, Govern)
- What an SOC is, its importance, and SOC Roles
- Career Path and required Skills
- Cyber Security Threats (Malware, Phishing, Insider Threats, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs))
- Splunk SIEM
- How SIEM Works (Collect Data and Aggregation from Endpoints)
- Key Terms in SIEM (Events, Logs, Parsing, Normalization)
- Splunk SIEM Components (Forwarder, Indexer, Search Head)
- Setting up Splunk SIEM Server
- Configuring Splunk SIEM agents
- Splunk Query Language (SPL) queries
- Uploading logs (Windows and Linux) for threat hunting
- Create dashboards for threat hunting
- CTF: Use Splunk SIEM to locate issues
- Splunk SOAR
- Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) elements: Threat Intelligence, Automation, Response, Orchestration
- Key terms in Splunk SOAR (App, Asset, IOCs, Playbook)
- Understanding Threat Intelligence Feeds (Open-Source, Free, and Commercial)
- Integrating Splunk SOAR to Splunk SIEM
- CTF: Create Custom dashboard for real-world threat hunting on Windows Event Logs
- Wazuh XDR
- Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) vs Extended Detection & Response (XDR)
- Host Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS): Open Source Security Event Correlator (OSSEC)
- Wazuh: Open Source XDR solution
- Wazuh core components (Agent, Server, Indexer)
- Building custom Threat Hunting dashboards with Wazuh
- Monitor compliance using the Compliance Dashboard
- Detect known Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs)
- Adversary emulation using Atomic Red Team
- CTF: Detect and respond to threats using Wazuh
Recommended Certifications:
This Summer Camp Training program provides a comprehensive 60-day (training + internship) experience in web3 and blockchain.
- Fundamentals
- Evolution of the Web and Blockchain Introduction
- Understanding Bitcoin and Exploring the Bitcoin Blockchain
- What is Mining and Its Process
- Ethereum Blockchain and Its Key Features
- Consensus mechanisms: PoW (Proof-of-Work) vs PoS (Proof-of-Stake)
- Deploying Smart Contracts
- Solidity Programming Introduction
- Deploying "Hello World" Smart Contract with Remix
- Local Blockchain Setup with MetaMask Integration
- Understanding ERC-20 Tokens: Types of Tokens, EIPs, EIP-100, and ERC Standards
- Creating a Smart Contract for a Custom ERC-20 Token
- Understanding ERC-721 (NFTs): NFT Metadata, NFT Marketplace, Methods, and Events
- Differences Between FTs (Fungible Tokens) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
- Create and Deploy a Smart Contract for an NFT Marketplace on Remix
- Explore ERC-721 with OpenZeppelin
- Interacting with Smart Contract using web3.js
- Building Decentralized Applications (DApps)
- Understanding DApps
- Using ethers.js to Interact with Smart Contracts
- Building a Simple Frontend Using HTML and Bootstrap for Interaction
- Developing DApps Using React.js: Counter DApp, ERC-20 Token Sender DApp, and Banking System DApp
- Building an NFT Marketplace DApp Using React.js
- Testnet and Mainnet Deployment
- Introduction to Testnet and Mainnet Environments
- Testnet vs. Mainnet
- Faucets, Blockchain explorers and obtain Testnet Ethers
- Learn Infura API and how to use it
- Deploy Smart Contract on Sepolia Testnet
- Integrate DApp Frontend running on Vercel to Smart Contract
- IPFS and ENS
- Understanding InterPlanetary File Service (IPFS)
- Uploading and Pinning Image Files on IPFS Desktop
- Building Static WebApp on IPFS
- Deploy DApp on IPFS using Fleek
- Introduction to Filecoin
- Basic of Ethereum Name Service (ENS)
- Register a domain on ENS Testnet and configuring it with Fleek Deployment
- Decentralized Database and Cloud Computing
- Understanding Ceramic Network
- Running GraphQL Queries
- Implementing ComposeDB Example DApp
- Introduction to Decentralized Cloud Computing
- Exploring Akash Network and Cosmos Network
- Setting Up an Account on Keplr
- Deploying a "Hello World" DApp on the Akash Network
- Deploying an NFT Marketplace DApp on the Akash Network
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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